
Who We Are

” Piecing Together the Possibilities”

Pediatric Haven exists to ensure that the developmentally delayed population of Mississippi receives the same opportunities as the typically developing child.

Our intensive program allows all children enrolled the same opportunities for behavioral treatment, therapy, education, growth, and fun. Children are in structured, developmentally appropriate classrooms. These student, both delayed and neurotypical, are treated on an individualized basis with the best educational component.  Students are also given designated sessions of group play/learning and therapy.

Vision & Mission

Our vision is to use our God given skills, abilities, and talents to impact the developmentally delayed community.

It is our mission to provide passionate high-quality care and support to children with various delays, promoting autonomy and quality of life.

We want our patients and families to know that even outside of the home environment, We are a therapeutic childcare facility  offering cognitive interventions and certified supervision for the Pediatric community.

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.”

                        Matthew 5:16

Why Pediatric Haven?

Personalized Care

Every child enrolled is assigned a caregiver and/or teacher assistant with prior pediatric experience.

Holistic Approach

Our Special Education Instructor will collaborate with our therapy team to design an individualized care plan for your child, supporting overall wellness.

Trained Care Team

Our facility is managed by our Director, supervising childcare staff daily. 

Educational Program

We provide an Individualized Educational Program for each child in our facility, assessed and created by our Certified Special Education Teacher.  

Enrichment Opportunities

We provide a variety of supplemental resources; geared toward effectively preparing your child for grade school.

Social Development

Your child will be around other students of their developmental age, increasing interaction and growth; as well as quality of life.

Guaranteed Service

We are here for your child’s social, emotional and behavioral needs, allowing you to manage daily life.

Staying Connected

You can receive daily messages, monthly activity calendars, view pictures, and stay connected with Pediatric Haven with our childcare app.